Welcome to GamersBloodPact


Hello everyone and welcome to our blog! We are delighted to have you as our reader and promise to do everything in our power to grant you with the latest news in the gaming world. In order to make your experience in our blog more coonvenient we have made a list of things you should know about us:

1. In no way do we compare ourselves to the huge mainsteam gaming sites or intend of becoming so big anytime soon. We are just a small group of friends who want to commit something to our beloved gaming world.

2. The content of our website will consist mostly of reviews on games we ourselves have played along with links to other reviews on the same game so you can compare a number of opinions in order to make an informed decision. In addition to that we will occasionaly post videos of ourselves playing video games through our youtube channel.

3. As the blog grows we intend to expand our horrizons to things such as organising gaming competitions with rewards or even private parties where we will play a couple of games with a group of our readers.

These are the three basic things you need to know about our new blog. We hope you enjoy our content and of course feel free to post any suggestions you might have on how to improve our blog at gamersbloodpact@gmail.com

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